Vi är glada att kunna meddela att rektor beslutat att anställa Ulrich Schmiedel som professor i missionsvetenskap med ekumenik. I samband med rekryteringsprocessen fick Ulrich också ett ERC-projekt, vilket vi vill passa på att gratulera honom till! Så här presenterar sig Ulrich:
I’m looking forward to joining Lund University as Professor of Global Christianities next year. My research is located at the intersection of theology with sociology, anthropology, and philosophy. Specializing in public and political theology, I’m interested in the role of religions in the public square, both their problems and their potentials for the challenges that confront contemporary society. Most of my recent research has been concerned with the significance of Christianity for migrant and postmigrant societies. I was awarded a fellowship at the Center of Theological Inquiry in Princeton, NJ, USA, where I participated in the interdisciplinary inquiry on religion and migration.
Prior to my appointment at Lund, I was Lecturer and then Senior Lecturer in Theology, Politics and Ethics at the University of Edinburgh. I also served as Co-Director of Edinburgh’s Centre for Theology and Public Issues. I came to Edinburgh from the University of Munich where I worked as a Lecturer in Systematic Theology after completing my doctoral dissertation at the University of Oxford. Currently, I’m editor-in-chief of the series “Political and Public Theologies: Comparisons – Coalitions – Critiques”, published by Brill. I also serve as Head of Research for A World of Neighbours, a multi-faith-based network engaging with people on the move across Europe.
At Lund, I will run “Faith-Based Refugee Relief in Europe: Connecting the Empirical and the Ethical (FABRIC)”, a five-year project funded by a Starting Grant from the European Research Council. This project aims to understand and utilize the moral insights and the moral ideas that faith-based refugee relief organizations develop in practice for the cross-disciplinary debate about the ethics of forced migration in Europe. Given all the expertise and experience gathered at Lund University, I’m very much looking forward to meeting my new colleagues!
Mycket välkommen till Lund!